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Recipes: Issue 86

Japanese Mountain Yam This month's "expand your menu" food is the Japanese mountain yam, sometimes also known as a Chinese wild yam. It's also known as nagaimo. This tuber is known for its immune enhancing and anti-inflammatory propertie... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 85

Matt Asks: I bought the Olympic weightlifting book by Tommy Kono and watched a few of his videos. I noticed that he recommends to have your shoulders pushed forwards, lats spread when doing snatches and cleans. I trained that way for a while until my... Continue reading
Choker to Gamer: Mental Changes Over Time

We’re going to start this month’s article with an odd little task, and it involves you thinking about something that probably bothers you a bit. Here’s what I want you to do: think about the worst insult that somebody could give you... Continue reading
Optimal Strength Training for Endurance

Before we get into anything else, strength training wise, the first question that needs to be answered is WHY? Why is strength training for endurance athletes important? Frankly speaking, it is important for two main reasons: injury prevention and pe... Continue reading
Back to Basics: A Case for Bulgarian Training

It should come as no surprise to anyone who has read my previous articles in Performance Menu that I believe highly in Bulgarian training principles with regard to preparing weightlifters. To me, no system in the world could have produced the results... Continue reading
Wheat Belly – Dr. William Davis's Minimal Effort, Maximal Return Approach to Healthy Lifestyle

Although physically active from an early age, I never really started to address the diet side of health, fitness and performance until late in my college career. I had the good fortune of meeting Hal Lupinek, one of the best coaches I've ever had the... Continue reading
23andMe DNA Decoding: A Review

I’m a sucker for information. So when I heard that 23andMe could provide personal genetic reports for a mere $99 (plus a requisite $9/month per year for updates on discoveries made about your DNA over time), I was all over it. Who wouldn’... Continue reading
Recipes: Issue 85

This month features a few recipes and ideas for traveling or taking to seminars. Even if you are not traveling, these ideas will save time in the kitchen. It also is the first of a new monthly feature in this column - one recipe each month will fe... Continue reading
Ask Greg: Issue 84

Bruce Asks: So I am in the middle of a life changing/saving journey, I have dropped 100 pounds in the past year through nutrition and Crossfit. During this journey I have found a love of the barbell and moving heavy weight. My question is this: At 36... Continue reading
Different Strokes for Different Folks: Variations in Pulling Technique

The Catalyst Athletics forums are turning into hot territory these days, that’s for sure. I find myself on there a lot lately, reading up on the latest strength conversations instead of doing the little jobs around the house my wife wants me to... Continue reading
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