
December 2016
Issue 143 Volume 12

Ask Greg: Issue 143

Nick Asks: I see a lot of information about lifting programs for older adults and basically people who have completely finished maturing. What if I... Continue reading
Competition Strategy in Weightlifting: Being Conservative vs. Going for Broke

Let’s talk about weightlifting competition, shall we? It’s always a good subject to go back to because every one of you is either a compet... Continue reading
Off And Running With Resistance: An Approach For Longevity

I was recently asked the question, “If there was one major change you would make in the training process in the past, what would that be?”... Continue reading
A Meditation Primer

Meditating can be one of those annoying things that you already know they should do, but never get around to doing, like flossing, or changing your oi... Continue reading
True or False: Standing Desks Are Better For You

Recently, it’s been widely reported that sitting too much is bad for you. Studies suggest that it’s associated with an increased risk of d... Continue reading
Non-compete Agreements: Valid Or Void?

The $24.2 billion United States fitness industry includes 36,180 gyms and 279, 100 personal trainers. No one thinks of a "bad breakup" betwe... Continue reading
Interview: JP Nicoletta

Right before I did this interview, I went back in the article file I keep on my computer and counted how many Performance Menu interviews I’ve d... Continue reading
Weightlifting News: Issue 143

Upcoming National Meets   December 8-11 American Open 2016 (Orlando, Florida) February 23-26 Junior National Championships (Kansas City, Misso... Continue reading
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